Specializing in Community Outreach & Engagement


Cemeteries Transit Center Project

Environmental Assessment

  • Location:
    Orleans Parish, Louisiana

  • Prime Consultant:
    ARCADIS, U.S. Inc.

  • Sponsoring Agency(s):
    New Orleans Regional Transit Authority

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In a neighborhood of historic cemeteries, an environmental assessment was conducted for a proposed project to improve safety for transit riders by consolidating bus-to-streetcar passenger transfers in a safe location and add bus staging capacity to support existing bus lines serving the area.

THA was tasked with developing a strategic public involvement plan, which included identifying stakeholders, coordinating with elected officials and community leaders, preparing informational materials, organizing community outreach, and planning public meetings. Although residents’ concerns regarding damage to artifacts and loss of green space were substantial, the effort to build community enthusiasm and support public understanding contributed to robust community involvement and a positive public image for the project.