Specializing in Community Outreach & Engagement


Charity Hospital Redevelopment Project

  • Location:
    Orleans Parish, Louisiana

  • Prime Consultant:
    1532 Tulane Partners

  • Sponsoring Agency(s):
    LSU Real Estate and Facilities Foundation

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The Charity Hospital Redevelopment project is an icon reimagined. It is an adaptive reuse of the historic one-million-square-foot former Charity Hospital building in New Orleans. This monumental transformation, which combines historic preservation interests with a planned renewal of the surrounding community’s business life, is deemed a catalyst for local economic revitalization. Serving as community outreach and engagement consultant, The Hawthorne Agency, Inc. has guided the team in creatively branding the redevelopment process. THA is coordinating ongoing, strategic communications to facilitate an inclusive outreach initiative in accordance with the project’s goals.