Specializing in Community Outreach & Engagement


Urban Water Management

  • Location:
    New Orleans, Louisiana

  • Sponsoring Agency(s):
    Swerage and Water Board of New Orleans

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In accord with the growing movement in New Orleans to address the city’s stormwater management challenges, the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans and the Greater New Orleans Foundation collaborated on a public communications campaign to raise public awareness and educate the public about the necessity of green infrastructure and stormwater management practices as well as to develop the public’s sense of environmental stewardship.

To guide the development of the communications campaign, THA and Dr. Silas Lee & Associates conducted extensive marketing research comprised of telephone surveys and focus groups with Sewerage and Water Board customers and others utilizing their services. The marketing research concluded in a precise assessment of public perceptions, expectations, and concerns toward urban water issues impacting New Orleans residents, which served to meaningfully facilitate the clients’ goal.